We offer caregiving in the morning hours, helping the body, mind and soul.
As part of our activities, we provide psychological support for our pupils and volunteers. At the present time, we have six psychologists working with our foundation; all volunteers. In addition, for those interested, participation in icon writing workshops.
Meetings with psychologists take place in the form of:
therapeutic workshops
seminars on selected topics
group meetings conducted by a psychologist
During these meetings, we talk about what is really important in the life of each of us; about how to find in ourselves and in the environment something that will help us to cope with difficult life situations (including diseases); about the importance of different emotions and how to deal with them; about what helps to maintain mental strength and deal with everyday life (in the psychological dimension); about relationships and communication with our loved ones; about our needs. Sometimes we talk about our memories or dreams and plans. We share what we experience at our meetings and our everyday life experiences. We hope that each of our patients feels accepted, heard and understood.
Our charity events
As part of our activities, we provide psychological support for our pupils and volunteers. At the present time, we have six volunteers working with our foundation.
In addition, for those interested, participation in icon writing workshops.
By doing something simple together, we discover the beauty of the life given to us.
Classes are held on Tuesdays or Fridays in the morning at ul. Sławkowska 7 Warsaw. People who would like to participate in the classes, please contact us at 502-315-999